ROHS test
RoHS is a compulsory standard formulated by EU legislation. Its full name is "restriction of hazardous substances". The standard has been formally implemented since July 1, 2006. It is mainly used to standardize the material and process standards of electronic and electrical products, making it more conducive to human health and environmental protection. The purpose of this standard is to eliminate six substances in electrical and electronic products, including lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (Note: the correct Chinese name of PBDE refers to polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers is the wrong term), and the content of cadmium shall not exceed 0.01%.
(RoHS directive) 2011 / 65 / EU
European ROHS 2011 / 65 / EU requires 6 items to be tested, and the directive takes effect as RoHS directive.
ROHS test items include lead (PB), cadmium (CD), mercury (Hg), hexavalent chromium (Cr6 +, PBBs) and PBDEs.
As for DiBP, BBP, DBP, DEHP and other projects, the directive only refers to whether the subsequent priority assessment is included in the control, and does not force the manufacturer to carry out testing.
RoHS scope:
Only for new products launched since July 1, 2006.
Including household incandescent lamps and light sources.
Do not violate special safety and health directives or regulations - vehicle ELV, vehicle directive; battery directive, 91 / 157 / EEC, 93 / 86 / EEC & 98 / 101 / EC
Excluding: medical equipment or monitoring equipment (category 8 and 9 of WEEE Directive); maintenance spare parts put on the market before July 1, 2006; reuse products originally put on the market before July 1, 2006.
Restricted toxic substances:
·Heavy metals:
– lead;
– mercury;
– cadmium cadmium;
– chromium (VI) hexavalent chromium
·Some brominated flame retardants:
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB's);
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE's)
The maximum limit index is:
·Cadmium: 0.01% (100ppm);
·Lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBBs, PBDEs: 0.1% (1000ppm)
Six categories of hazardous substances
RoHS aims at electrical and electronic products that may contain the above six harmful substances in all production processes and raw materials, mainly including: white appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, water heaters, etc., black appliances, such as audio and video products, DVD, CD, TV receivers, it products, digital products, communication products, etc; Electric tools, electric electronic toys, medical electrical equipment.
1. Examples of lead (PB) using the substance: solder, glass, PVC stabilizer
2. Mercury (Hg) (mercury) examples of using the substance: temperature controller, sensor, switch and relay, bulb
3. Cadmium (CD < g é >) examples of using the substance: switch, spring, connector, shell and PCB, contact, battery
4. Hexavalent chromium (Cr 6 + < g è >) example of using the substance: metal anti-corrosion coating
5. Examples of PBBs using the substance: flame retardant, PCB, connector, plastic shell
6. Examples of PBDE use: flame retardant, PCB, connector, plastic shell
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